When it's discovered you simply cannot pull off the magic of assisting one customer at their storage unit and acknowledge another waiting in the lobby, it's time to contact Ritron. And that's exactly what Shamrock Self Storage did to solve this problem.
Did you know the leading reason our customers purchase a GateGuard® system is distance?
Learn more about the GateGuard® Wireless Access Control tools and resources we provide to our resellers and end users to contribute to their success.
In this quick five and a half minute video, you'll learn how the GateGuard package of radios provides access control solutions for your business.
Ritron has combined the benefits of long-range two-way radio communication with access control. Our GateGuard® package will be featured at the upcoming FenceTech show in Indianapolis March 13-16.
I recently had the pleasure of traveling to the Chicago area with our National Sales Manager, Dennis Sieracki.
Two solutions are presented: 1) Field programming when you add a second gate (thus a second callbox) to your existing GateGuard® system, and 2) Solving choppy communication / weak signal from the base station to the callbox.
Learn how access control problems are solved through the use of the Ritron GateGuard® kit, specifically designed for use in commercial and industrial applications like treatment plants, factories, warehousing, schools, and healthcare facilities.
Interested in how you can help your company improve its communication, productivity, security, or bottom line with Ritron wireless products?
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