This page contains advanced and special technical information for Ritron products for use by Authorized Ritron Dealers and Technicians. This may include the latest programming software, demonstration software, PowerPoint presentations, catalog sheets, and manuals.
Compressed files are self-extracting, while other files are in the Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf). For pdf files you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is available free. Click here.
To access the available technical information, select a category and click on the (+) sign to expand the list. Download the desired file by clicking on the link. Some browsers require a right click to select Save as to save the file.
PR USB Driver Installer
This driver is used with the Ritron USB-to-PR programming cable on computers running Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11 O/S. (7/26/22)
RQT/RQA Drivers for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or 10
This driver is used with the Ritron RQT/RQA radios on computers running Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or 10. Download and run the file. For computers using operating systems later that XP, leave the “Launch the program” checked when finished the install. For XP open the ReadMe file for instructions. (05/31/16)
9/USB-PAS Drivers for Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8
This driver is used with the Ritron 9/USB-PAS on computers running Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8. Download and save to the desktop. Open the "Readme.pdf" file in the downloaded folder for driver setup instructions.(10/31/13)
9/USB-PAS Drivers for Windows 2000
This driver is used with the Ritron 9/USB-PAS on computers running Windows 2000. Download and save to the desktop. Open the "Readme.pdf" file in the downloaded folder for driver setup instructions.(10/31/13)
9/USB-PAS Drivers for Windows 98 and Millennium Edition
This driver is used with the Ritron 9/USB-PAS on computers running Windows 98 and Millennium Edition. Download and save to the desktop. Open the "Readme.pdf" file in the downloaded folder for driver setup instructions.(10/31/13)
USB Driver Installer
This driver is used with the Ritron USB-to-PT programming cable on computers running Windows XP and Windows 7 O/S. (2/8/11)
USB Driver Installer
This driver is used with the Ritron USB-to-SLX programming cable on computers running Windows 2000 and XP O/S. (12/11/08)
Windows 98SE Driver Installer
This driver is used with the Ritron USB-to-SLX programming cable on computers running Windows 98SE O/S. (12/11/08)
2147C002 USB Driver Installer
This driver is used with the Ritron USB-to-9pin serial programming cable on computers running Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP. (2/14/19)
RQX 6-Series Battery Life Calculator
A small and useful utility to calculate battery life.
RQA/RQT Battery Life Calculator (8/28/2012)
An Excel spreadsheet formatted to calculate battery life for all RQA/RQT-151/152/451/452 models.
Microsoft Excel 2003 or newer is required to use this calculator.
Technical Bulletin:
LM-600Analog Rev 2 – Voice Record Modification (10.20.23)
Publication No. 14560051A
Technical Bulletin:
RQX Q-Series Modification for Auto-Restart Turn ON When Power Is Restored (05.17.23)
Publication No. 14670034 Rev C
Loudmouth – Occasional No Audio Output (11.20.20)
Publication No. 14670037 Rev A
Technical Bulletin:
Strobe Light Operation for RQX XT-Series and Q-Series Callbox (12/17/19)
Publication No. 14670036 Rev A
Technical Bulletin:
RCCR NXDN-Mode Random Reset (07/21/16)
Publication No. 14670035
Technical Bulletin:
DTX-145/445 - Transmitter Deviation and CDCSS Issue (02/20/15)
Publication No. 14670032
Technical Bulletin:
PC Programming Problem - JMX and SST portable radios (10/1/13)
Publication No. 14670031
Technical Bulletin:
RQX 6 and 7 Series Callbox Modification for Normally Closed Relay Switch (7/8/13)
Publication No. 14670015B
Technical Bulletin:
DTX-145/445 - TX to RX attack time (04/09/13)
Publication No. 14560046
Technical Bulletin:
LM-Series Loudmouth Power Supply Requirements (9/28/12)
Publication No. 14670030
Technical Bulletin:
RQX 1, 6 and 7 Series Callbox Modification for Always On Operation (1/27/12)
Publication No. 14670028
Technical Bulletin:
Recording .wav files to RQA and RQT (12/19/11)
Publication No. 14670027
Technical Bulletin:
RCCR Loss of Model ID (11/09/11)
Publication No. 14560040
Instructions to restore RCCR model ID (11/08/11)
Application Note:
Ritron PC Programming Software Listing
Updated 09/10/2010
Technical Bulletin:
RPM 60-Series Mobile Lock-Up (7/30/10)
Publication No. 14560038
Technical Bulletin:
RCCR Squelch Blocking (4/6/10)
Publication No. 14560036
Technical Bulletin:
RCCR TX Interference (4/6/10)
Publication No. 14560037
Technical Bulletin:
GateGuard - Model GGT-1 DTMF Decoder (4/14/09)
Pub no. 14500030
Application Note:
How to Download and Install Ritron Software
(applies to 3.0R20 & 3.05 software only)
Updated 07/02/2007
Programming Instructions:
LM-DTMF Programming Instructions (12/08/06)
Publication No. 14500061
Technical Bulletin:
Receiver Shutdown Problem D-Series Base Radios (9/16/03)
Pub no. 14560031
Technical Bulletin:
How to Properly Seal the AFB-1545 Antenna (6/18/03)
Pub no. 14500040
Technical Bulletin:
Channel Indicator - Base Station (5/21/02)
Pub no. 14690001
Technical Bulletin:
OutPost - Programming Issues (5/21/02)
Pub no. 14690002
Technical Bulletin:
4-Series Programmer/Cloning Radios (4/25/02)
Publication No. 14560030
Technical Bulletin:
SST-454 Trunking/DQC Decode (10/23/01)
Publication No. 14560029
Application Note:
Interfacing 1200/9600 bps and POCSAG Modems to RPM Mobile Transceivers
Published 07/04/1996
Updates for the Ritron PC Programmer (self-extracting zip files) are made available at no charge to customers that have purchased corresponding and complete PC Programmer software. The Updates alone will not work unless the complete PC Programmer software has first been purchased and installed on your PC. Arranged by the newest version listed first.
Index for Ritron PC Programmer Software
Ritron Model to Programmer Index (01/17/25)
This .pdf file lists Ritron products and the associated PC Programmer software.
PC Programming Software - Update
RQX_PCPS Callbox 1.0.11 Ver. Update.exe (01/17/25)
The programmer has been updated to support new HD models. Under certain conditions, if a table frequency is used as a custom frequency, the frequency will be programmed as a table frequency. The conditions are:
When updating programmer versions 1.0.1 or 1.0.2 you must first update to Ver 1.0.3, then you may Update to Ver 1.0.10.
PC Programming Software - Update
JBS-PCPS-1 Ver. 1.0.7 Update.exe (10/29/24)
Updated for new mdels.
PC Programming Software
JBS-PCPS-MURS (10/29/24)
Updated for new models.
PC Programming Software
DTX LS Update Version 2.4.9 (10/07/24)
The DTX LS programmer is updated to fix the display of the TX Time Out Timer.
PC Programming Software - Update
RBS-DMR-PCPS 1.0.4 (08.08.24)
The RBS programmer is updated to remove repeater address.
PC Programming Software
"MURS" Q Series Callbox Ver 1.0.10 (01/03/24)
The programmer has been updated to support assemblies with the new processor.
PC Programming Software - Update
LM-DMR-PCPS-1 Update Version 1.0.2 ((09.26.23)
The LM/RIB-700 programmer is updated to work with firmware 47.17.
PC Programming Software - Update
RCCR Update Version 1.3.14 (11.09.22)
The RCCR programmer is updated to add encryption scan. Some programmers may have been installed without help files. To download the files, select and run this link RCCR programmer help files. The files will be installed in the default programmer location.
PC Programming Software
Full RQT/RQA Update Ver 2.0.6 (07.28.22)
The RBS programmer is updated to add disable reminder ring tone and decode with de-emphasis.
PC Programming Software
Basic RQT/RQA Update Ver 2.0.6 (07/28/22)
Fixed RF frequency entry for Region/Language settings that use a comma for the thousands separator.
PC Programming Software - Update
LM-PCPS-1 Update Version 1.0.4 (11.22.21)
Due to the 2021 worldwide shortage of microcontrollers, a replacement part has been used on the LM-600Analog-2. The programmer has been updated to accept this change.
PC Programming Software - Update
DTXM-PCPS-1-M-FIPS Update Version 1.0.2 (10/28/21)
Releasing updated version.
PC Programming Software
DTX Plus 160/460 Update Version 1.0.18 (06.16.20)
The DTX-160/460 program is updated to change the power limit for 965 models to 35 watts and for some bug fixes.
PC Programming Software - Update
DTXM2-PCPS-1 Update Version 1.2.1 (12.30.19)
Fixed displaying the complete firmware version.
PC Programming Software
LoudMouth Update Version 12.0.9 (9.12.19)
The LoudMouth programmer is updated to fix a bug with setting the speaker volume.
PC Programming Software - Update
RLR-PCPS-1 Update Version 1.0.3 (06.24.19)
The RLR-465NX programmer is updated to allow RF frequencies in 25Hz steps.
PC Programming Software - Update
RQX_PCPS_Callbox_1.0.3. Update.exe (8.12.16)
Added digital NXDN features for the NXDN models. Some bug fixes. When updating programmer versions 1.0.1 or 1.0.2 use this update first, then you may Update to Ver 1.0.6 (12.15.17).
PC Programming Software
RQX Callbox Update Version 10.2.2 (3.18.14)
The RQX programmer is updated to fix some minor bugs.
PC Programming Software
Update Version 9.6.1 (10.31.13)
The D-Series programmer is updated to support the 9/USB-PAS and for better Windows 7 and 8 compatibility.
PC Programming Software
Update Version 11.0.3 (12.3.07)
The RPM programmer has been updated to search for COM ports from 1 to 9 that are available to be used. A COM port reliability test has been added to reduce programming errors. (This update is required for RPM 60 Series Mobile Radios.)
PC Programming Software
DTX Plus Update Version 2.68 (08.06.14)
PC Programming Software
DTXM Update Version 2.0.5 (7.17.07)
Speeds up programming, except during flash programming, and disables the screen saver during flash programming.
PC Programming Software
Update Version 3.0R20 (7.2.07)
PC Programming Software
Liberty Update Version 5.0.4 (1.16.04)
The Liberty programmer is updated to fix some minor bugs.
PC Programming Software
Patriot Plus Update for Version 7.x to Version 7.0R6.5 (12.22.00)
PC Programming Software
Dataflow RTU Version 3.05 (12.11.00)
To install a firmware update in your radio:
1. Download the firmware file to your computer. Some browsers require a right click to select Save as to save the file.
2. Extract after downloading (if .exe file).
3. Open the PC Programmer software.
4. From Radio menu select Upgrade Firmware.
5. Select the new firmware file you downloaded and extracted.
Arranged by newest first.
Firmware Upgrade
RQX-417DMR Daughter Card Version 9S1104109 (2/21/2025) NEW
Fixed a problem that the callbox would not work properly with a Kenwood repeater, the symptom is that the callbox may frequently miss the receiving message from Kenwood repeater. This happened after a call was done and followed by the repeater shuts down, the callbox would not receive any further messages from the repeater within 15 sec. Please refer to 9S1104.10_Read_Me_DMR_callbox_daughtercard.pdf RQX-417DMR Callbox firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
LM-700 Digital DMR and RIB-700 Digital DMR 47.22 (2/11/2025)
To update firmware to V22, RITRON LM DMR Series Programmer_1.0.2 or later version is required.
1) Added a feature that the unit can auto shutdown when 12V external power is lost and the battery is below 9.5V for at least 5 seconds. Before auto shutdown, the unit will beep 3 times. It is to prevent internal backup battery from over draining. To enable this feature, R614 (0 ohm) has to be removed. R614 was populated on the early units. With V22, if R614 is not removed, the unit will still work like V21, the battery dead auto shutdown just does not work. For the old version firmware, V21 and earlier, if R614 is depopulated, the battery backup function will stop working. i.e. depopulated R614 needs V22 or newer f/w to make the battery backup function work.
2) Fixed a bug that causes terminal mode command 'a' not working correctly.
Refer to 47.22_Read_Me_LM700DMR.pdf for a detailed description of the LM-700DMR and RIB-700DMR firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
RLR-465DMR 44.54 (9/12/2024)
Resolved an issue where the repeater could randomly lock up. Do NOT use this upgrade if the radios firmware is 44.52 or older. Please refer to 44.54_Read_Me.pdf for a detailed description of the firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
LM-700 Digital DMR and RIB-700 Digital DMR 47.21 (9/6/2024)
To update firmware to V21, RITRON LM DMR Series Programmer_1.0.2 or later version is required.
Fixed a bug that caused a brief audio burst or relay activation when the repeater transmitted voice packets following idle packets. Added "This will Erase important information: Are you sure? (yes/no)" to debug 'p' command. Next keys must be 'y' 'e' 's' before reloading factory configuration. Turned off debug output. Please refer to 47.21_Read_Me_LM700DMR.pdf for a detailed description of the firmware history.
LM-700 Digital DMR and RIB-700 Digital DMR 47.20 (12/04/2023)
To update firmware to V20, RITRON LM DMR Series Programmer_1.0.2 or later version is required.
1) V20 Fixed a bug introduced in V19, causing lower sensitivity. The bug was originally introduced in V18, which has never been released, just for customer field testing. When V19 was created, it was based on V18. The extra time-consuming code in V18 caused package drop-out. The problem code is removed in V20. Please refer to 47.20_Read_Me_LM700DMR.pdf for a detailed description of the firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
DTXM Version 36.19 (12/13/2023)
Updates to work with 200MHz and 300MHz versions of the DTXM.
Firmware Upgrade
RQX-117NX/417NX Callbox Version 41.09 (11/20/2023)
Firmware revision 41.09 fixes a problem where the NXDN Callbox was missing a PTT detection at power on.. Please refer to 41.09_Read_Me_NXDN_callbox.pdf for a detailed description of the RQX-117NX/417NX Callbox firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
LM-700 Digital DMR and RIB-700 Digital DMR 47.19 (11/10/2023)
To update firmware to V19, RITRON LM DMR Series Programmer_1.0.2 or later version is required.
1) Fixed a bug when working with repeater. It randomly activates relay during the repeater hang time. This problem was caused by the firmware not recognizing the repeater idle package. V19 fixed this problem.
Firmware Upgrade
LM-700 Digital DMR and RIB-700 Digital DMR 47.17 (9/26/2023)
To update firmware to V17, RITRON LM DMR Series Programmer_1.0.2 or later version is required.
1) Fixed a bug in command A21, which is used to reset the unit to factory default configuration via the 7-segment LED display and a button on PCB.
2) Improved the bootloader. A new and better bootloader located at memory lower address is added in version 17. This new version prevents the unit from locking up under some very special conditions.
3) Added a reminder note for the ‘p’ command in the RITRON LM DMR Series Programmer terminal mode to avoid the user from accidentally erasing the customer configuration. A ‘yes’ must be entered after the note in order to process the ‘p’ command.
4) Added 500ms of dead time on debug UART line before commands are accepted in order to reject random interference from strong RF signals. Refer to 47.17_Read_Me_LM700DMR.pdf for a detailed description of the LM-700DMR and RIB-700DMR firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
RQA GEN 2 firmware 32.54 (12/29/22)
Corrects a problem with Field Programming. Refer to 32.54_Read_Me.pdf for a detailed description of the RQA firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
7-Series Base Radio Version 37.14 (9/20/2022) NEW
Firmware revision 9s1N3714 fixes a problem where field programming code A89 “Reset to Factory Defaults” could blank out channel information. Once updated to 9S1N3714 the radio cannot be returned to 9S1N3711 or earlier. Please refer to 37.14_Read_Me.pdf for a detailed description of the 7-Series Base Radio firmware history
Firmware Upgrade
LM-700 Digital DMR and RIB-700 Digital DMR 47.16 (9/8/2022)
Fixed a debug serial interface issue that can cause the radio’s configuration to be erased. The debug interface uses single character commands from the host computer. Leakage from the debug TXD to RXD pins on the debug serial interface can cause output characters on the TXD pin to be interpreted as commands on the RXD input. Among the characters, one character is a command that erases the configuration. If that character in the TX stream, it could be seen by the input and erase the configuration. Also, RF coupling to the debug RXD pin can also create that character command and cause the same problem. This issue has been resolved with this firmware revision. Refer to 47.16_Read_Me_LM700DMR.pdf for a detailed description of the LM-700DMR and RIB-700DMR firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
RQX-417DMR Daughter Card Version 9S110409 (8/5/2022) NEW
Firmware revision 9S110409 fixes an issue where the bootloader would periodically miss the first character during a DMR firmware update. Also, it improves the bit-error-rate (BER) so that periodic audio drop-outs are significantly reduced and fixes an 'Over the air alias' issue that was also causing audio dropouts. Please refer to 9S1104.09_Read_Me_DMR_callbox_daughtercard.pdf RQX-417DMR Callbox firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
LM-700 Digital DMR and RIB-700 Digital DMR 47.15 (7/26/2022) NEW
Fixed a bootloader problem introduced by revision 14. Revision 14 was never actually shipped. Note that the bootloader doesn’t get changed by a firmware update, it stays the same as was loaded from the factory i.e. since revision 14 boot loader was never actually shipped, the customers will never see this issue.Refer to 47.15_Read_Me.pdf for a detailed description of the LM-700DMR and RIB-700DMR firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
LM-700 Digital DMR and RIB-700 Digital DMR 47.14 (7/19/2022) NEW
Firmware revision 9s1N4714 fixes choppy voice play back. This problem can occur on any voice reception including recorded messages with some portable radios, such as Kenwood and Hytera. Also, fixed a test tone dropout (1031Hz or 2880Hz) problem. Customers may not detect any difference with this fix; it can typically only be detected when the unit is tested with professional test equipment, especially at weak signal levels. Refer to 47.14_Read_Me.pdf for a detailed description of the LM-700DMR and RIB-700DMR firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
7-Series Base Radio Version 37.13 (4/29/2022)
Firmware revision 9s1N3713 adds an option to disable the Reminder Ring Tone associated with Inband Decode (2-Tone, DTMF, Selcall). Once updated to 9S1N3713 the radio cannot be returned to 9S1N3711 or earlier. Please refer to 37.13_Read_Me.pdf for a detailed description of the 7-Series Base Radio firmware history
Firmware Upgrade
RQX-417DMR Daughter Card Version 8 (4/27/2022)
Daughter card firmware revision 9S110408 fixed potential lockup. In always on mode, if the unit is left for long time (from 20minutes to days), the callbox may not response portable radio call, until PTT button is pushed.
Firmware Upgrade
LM-700 Digital DMR and RIB-700 Digital DMR 47.12 (2/4/2022)
Firmware revision 9s1N4712) fixed LED segment b and f display problem introduced in Ver 11. Revert LED Segment b and f indicator, for RF carrier and decoded status, back to Ver 10, i.e. when field programming is disabled, segment b and f will NOT display carrier and decode status, same as Ver 10 for this item. Refer to 47.12_Read_Me.pdf for a detailed description of the LM-700DMR and RIB-700DMR firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
RQX-417DMR Callbox Version 43.03 (12/15/2021)
Firmware revision 9S1N4303 support both MKL27Z128VFT4 and MKL25Z128VFT4 processors. on Rev B PCB, and external oscillator circuitry needs to be populated. The new firmware needs to work with Ver or newer PC programmer. Please refer to 43.03_Read_Me_DMR_callbox.pdf for a detailed description of the Q-Series Callbox firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
Q-Series Callbox Version 38.12 (12/7/2021)
Firmware revision 9s1N3812 corrects a problem with the Alert message when Busy Channel TX Inhibit is enabled. Please refer to 38.12_Read_Me.pdf for a detailed description of the Q-Series Callbox firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
LM-700 Digital DMR and RIB-700 Digital DMR 47.10 (10/5/2021)
Firmware revision 9s1N4710 fixes unexpected relay activation and entering "record and play" mode. Refer to 47.10_Read_Me.pdf for a detailed description of the LM-700DMR and RIB-700DMR firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
LM-700 Digital DMR and RIB-700 Digital DMR 47.09 (7/9/2021)
Firmware revision 9s1N4709 fixes test tone dropouts. Refer to 47.09_Read_Me.pdf for a detailed description of the LM-700DMR and RIB-700DMR firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
RLR-465NX 44.07 (5/14/2021)
Fixed squelch tail when working with some portable NXDN radios.
Firmware Upgrade
RQX-117/417NX 41.08 (12/3/2020)
Firmware revision 9s1N4108 corrected table frequencies for Canadian models.
Firmware Upgrade
LM-700 Digital DMR and RIB-700 Digital DMR 47.08 (10/23/2020)
Firmware revision 9s1N4708 stabilizes the record and play through a DMR repeater. Refer to 47.08_Read_Me.pdf for a detailed description of the LM-700DMR and RIB-700DMR firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
LM-600Analog and RIB-600Analog 46.04 (6/4//2020)
Firmware revision 9s1N4604 improves DTMF decode operation. Refer to 46.04_Read_Me.pdf for a detailed description of the LM-600Analog and RIB-600Analog firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
RQX-417DMR Callbox Version 43.02 (2/21/2020)
Firmware revision 9s1N4302 is updated radio to support 3.125 kHz channel steps. Please refer to 43.03_Read_Me_DMR_callbox.pdf for a detailed description of the RQX-417DMR Callbox firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
RQX-417DMR Daughter Card Version 9S110407 (2/21/2020)
Firmware revision 9S110407 fixes garbling on Tx. Also, more stable DMR reception over a wider frequency range is implemented. Please refer to 9S1104.07_Read_Me_DMR_callbox_daughtercard.pdf RQX-417DMR Callbox firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
7-Series Base Radio Version 37.10 (3/27/2020)
Firmware revision 9s1N3710 optimizes 2-tone and Selcall encode, along with other enhancements. Please refer to 37.12_Read_Me.pdf for a detailed description of the 7-Series Base Radio firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
LM-600Analog and RIB-600Analog 46.03 (01/23/2020)
Firmware revision 9s1N4603 corrects synchronization, squelch blocking, and other issues. Refer to 46.03_Read_Me.pdf for a detailed description of the LM-600Analog and RIB-600Analog firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
LM-700DMR and RIB-700DMR 47.06 (01/16/2020)
Improvements include intermittent audio decoding when alias are being sent.
Firmware Upgrade
LM and LPA Version 23.09 (12/3/19)
Firmware revision 9s102309 corrects recorded voice message issues. Refer to 23.09_Read_Me.pdf for a detailed description of the Loudmouth firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
RQA GEN 2 firmware 32.52 (11/25/19)
Adds 2nd Escalate Channel (with field programming capability), and updates LED operation to flash every 1 second when RQA is active and between scheduled transmissions. Refer to 32.52_Read_Me.pdf for a detailed description of the RQA firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
DTX-145,-445 Version 30.25 (10/24/18)
The firmware aids in factory set up as well as field adjustments.
Firmware Upgrade
RCCR Main Board Version 28.34 (6/1/18)
RCCR Firmware Revision MB2834 is installed when the RCCR Locomotive Radio has been modified with either the RCCR-RAN-DISPLAY-KIT-DS/SQ or the RCCR-RAN-LENS-KIT-DS/SQ Kits. The firmware improves the arrangement of the AAR Channel and RAN Code information on the Front Panel Display when an AAR NXDN Digital Channel is entered. Requires display version 00.19 and NXDN board version 1.08.
Firmware Upgrade
RQA and RQT Version 32.14 (2/8/17)
Corrects a problem where RQT Input 1 OPEN message was missing the first 125mS of the recorded message. Refer to 32.14_Read_Me.pdf for a detailed description of the RQA/RQT firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
RQX XD Series Sub Board Version 10 (02/08/17)
RQX-117NX and RQX-417NX callbox NXDN sub-board firmware to accommodate Kenwood proprietary aliasing.
Firmware Upgrade
RCCR Display Board Version 00.19 (10/27/16)
To be used with main board added features.
Firmware Upgrade
RCCR NXDN Board Version 01.08 (7/21/16)
Corrects a problem in the RCCR Radio Firmware to eliminate the RCCR Radio from randomly resetting, when operating on a Digital(NXDN) Channel, due to heavy(>50%) Digital radio traffic.
Firmware Upgrade
RCCR Main Board Version 28.31 (7/21/16)
Corrects a problem in the RCCR Radio Firmware to eliminate the RCCR Radio from randomly resetting, when operating on a Digital(NXDN) Channel, due to heavy(>50%) Digital radio traffic.
Firmware Upgrade
RQX 1, 6 and 7 Series Callbox Version 20.12 (5/31/13)
This firmware update addresses minor problems with ISD1730 voice record IC used in RQX 7-Series models. This change will only affect RQX 7-Series models.
Updating to firmware revision 20.12 enforces the FCC 2013 Narrowband Mandate. Radios with firmware 20.12 installed cannot operate wideband. Furthermore the process cannot be reversed, radios updated for narrowband compliance cannot be reverted back to a firmware revision that allows wideband operation. Refer to 20.12_Read_Me.pdf for a detailed description of the RQX firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
JBS/PBS/NRB Base Radios Version 31.05 (12/4/12)
Corrects a problem on a small percentage of JBS or PBS base radios where it cannot be turned off using the Volume Down control. Ritron programmer RPT-PCPS-9.5.0 or higher must be used to install this firmware update.
Updating to firmware revision 31.05 enforces the FCC 2013 Narrowband Mandate. Radios with firmware 31.05 installed cannot operate wideband. Furthermore the process cannot be reversed, radios updated for narrowband compliance cannot be reverted back to a firmware revision that allows wideband operation. Refer to 31.05_Read_Me.pdf for a detailed description of the JBS/PBS/NRB firmware history.
Firmware Upgrade
R-Series Doorcom Version 31.52 (8/29/12)
Corrects problem where, when DQC was programmed, the DQC Code was not being transmitted with the Automatic Turn-Off Tone. This kept the Automatic Turn-Off Tone from being heard on the receiving radios.
Firmware Upgrade
RPM 60 Series Mobile Version 24.09 (6/14/10)
Allows the radio to be turned off and back on for normal operation after being locked up due to a fast on-off-on.
Firmware Upgrade
DTXM Version 29.48 and Bug Report (9/16/09)
This update fixes a problem with remote transmitters using the same station ID (address).
Firmware Upgrade
RQX 1 & 6 Series Callbox Version 18.10 with serial numbers 13249 or lower (8/29/08)
PCB updates for RQX-156/151 and RQX-456/451 fixes an occasional lock-up in transmit mode when sending DTMF ANI requiring a power down reset to resume operation. This firmware update only affects DTMF ANI operation and is not required unless this feature is used.
This also includes the fix added in version 18.09 where PCB updates for RQX-156/151 and RQX-456/451 caused a problem when companding in receive mode. This firmware update corrects the problem and can be safely used on any previous PCB revision.
Firmware Upgrade
JMX/SST-141D/146D/441D Version 14.05 for radios manufactured January 2004 and afterwards (7/2/07)
Newer PCs may have problems communicating with the JMX-111D/141D/146D/441D via RS232. This firmware update corrects the problem.
Firmware Upgrade
JMX/SST-144D/446D/444D Version 15.06 for radios manufactured January 2004 and afterwards (7/2/07)
Corrects Weather Alert not heard in Power Save mode if on a tone channel and 2-Tone Transpond did not send DQC turn-off code on DQC channels.
Firmware Upgrade
JMX-446D only - Version 19.02 for radios manufactured December 2005 and afterwards (7/2/07)
Corrects a problem with QC and DQC decode when the radio is in Power Save mode.
Firmware Upgrade
DTX-Ls 142/442 Version 17.83 (7/2/07)
This update positions the receivers into normal CTCSS tone detection before opening squelch in the Quick Sleep On mode.
Firmware Upgrade
JBS/PBS/NBR Base Radios (except JBS-446D-LIBERTY) Version 16.05 for radios manufactured January 2004 and afterwards (9/7/06)
Update adds a turn-on to full volume feature.
Firmware Upgrade
JMX/SST-144D/446D/444D Version 6.15 for radios manufactured prior to January 2004 (5/21/04)
Corrects: (1) PTT programming readout error; (2) TX inhibited if PTT pressed while on Weather Channel; (3) Scan Channel delete; (4) TX rekey error; and (5) Lockup after programming.
Firmware Upgrade
JMX/SST-141D/146D/441D Version 7.64 for radios manufactured prior to January 2004 (5/21/04)
This firmware update changes the dead battery level to 5.65v and the reaction to a low battery level condition. This allows the radio to recover if the battery voltage goes above the threshold. If the voltage goes back above the threshold the radio will beep as it comes out of transmit, then beep again every 20 seconds for one (1) minute.
Firmware Upgrade
JBS/PBS-146D/446D Version 9.06 for radios manufactured prior to January 2004 (5/21/04)
Corrects: (1) PTT programming readout error; (2) TX inhibited if PTT pressed while on Weather Channel; (3) Scan Channel delete; (4) TX rekey error; and (5) Lockup after programming.
Firmware Upgrade
PBS/RQT/RQX/SST-454 models Version 10.18 (11/26/03)
This update changes the extend trunking acknowledge wait time for reliable trunking handshake, initializes decode center slicer after locktime to improve QC and DQC decoding during Scan and Power Save, and removes the center slicer droop tracking for more reliable trunking decode.
Firmware Upgrade
RTX-454 models Version 11.18 (11/26/03)
This update changes the extend trunking acknowledge wait time for reliable trunking handshake, initializes decode center slicer after locktime to improve QC and DQC decoding during Scan and Power Save, and removes the center slicer droop tracking for more reliable trunking decode.
Firmware Upgrade
SST-454D models Version 13.18 (11/26/03)/
This update changes the extend trunking acknowledge wait time for reliable trunking handshake, initializes decode center slicer after locktime to improve QC and DQC decoding during Scan and Power Save, and removes the center slicer droop tracking for more reliable trunking decode.
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